
At the Bath Inn, Cornwall Terrace, Penzance TR18 4HL.

Evenings start at 7:30pm. Please note Covid-19 policy statement.

You can book guest night tickets via the 'book' link next to the ticket price.
"Round The Room" nights are free of charge, but a raffle will be held to subsidise guest nights.

Show past dates

Date Event MC Details
Oct 23 Guest Night: Kate Lissauer & Sibs Riesen Linda 2 Tickets £10  book
This special duo will be performing songs and tunes from the old American tradition. Kate is a talented multi-instrumentalist playing fiddle, guitar and banjo, and Sibs will be performing her amazing Appalachian step dances.

Web site

Nov 6 Round the room Scott
Nov 20 Round the room Linda 1
Dec 4 Round the room Ian
Jan 1 NO CLUB!
Jan 15 Round the room Linda 2
Jan 29 AGM and Round the room Scott
Feb 12 Round the room Linda 1
Feb 26 Round the room Ian
Mar 12 Round the room Renate
Mar 26 Guest Night: Discovery Duo - Jeff and Elaine Gillett Linda 2 Tickets £10  book
We welcome Jeff and Elaine to our club for the first time. Expect traditional and contemporary folk songs, in harmony or a cappella with sensitive and tasteful accompaniment on guitar, mandola, dulcimer, concertina and whistle, all presented with warmth and humour.
Apr 9 Round the room Scott